The “art” of making coffee in the world

Coffee is a familiar drink in any part of the world. However, in each country, there are very specific methods of brewing and enjoying coffee. Let’s explore with Mora’Caphe the traditional coffee brewing styles of countries from Asia to Europe!

1. American styled coffee (Filter drip – American styled coffee)

The characteristic of this type of coffee is that it is not very thick and the taste and aroma are also very light. This type of latte is loved throughout North America, Northern Europe and France. Today in those countries people use many types of drip coffee machines with filter funnels.

This instrument is made up of two parts: a glass, plastic or metal funnel at the top and a glass container at the bottom. A plastic paper filter is placed in the hopper to filter out the coffee powder. People sometimes use ground coffee powder instead of fine coffee to make this type of coffee. (coarsely ground coffee).

The amount of coffee to be brewed = the amount of coffee powder x 15 times the amount of water (if you want it dark, then less, if you want it light, more water) according to the standard. Hot water is poured over the coffee grounds during this process, and the coffee is dropped by gravity. The entire brewing process takes 4 minutes and 40 seconds, resulting in a highly aromatic coffee with a seductive aroma and a tart taste.

Note: Coffee should be roasted at a Light or Medium roast level

2. French Press (French Press)

This type of coffee is known as French coffee, although the coffee maker was invented by an Italian who later sold the patent to a Swiss in 1933. Many people liked to drink it. Coffee is brewed this way because it’s quick and easy, and it can extract a lot of aroma from the coffee powder.

Brewing equipment is made up of a glass vessel (a cylinder) and a filter located inside the cylinder like a piston. People use a syringe to put the coffee powder in, then spray the face with water and wait for 4 to 5 minutes. Then the piston filter is applied, soft pressed and slowed down to cup the coffee. After that, the coffee is drinkable and no longer sweet. Instead of weighing a paper filter for each coffee brew, this approach is preferred. If using ground coffee, you should use medium ground (medium ground coffee) otherwise the coffee will quickly dissolve in the coffee.

Note: Coffee should be roasted at a Light or Medium roast level

3. Filtered coffee (Vietnamese coffee style)

In the 19th century, people knew to use a filter to make coffee with the general principle still being that hot water passed through powdered coffee, and ground coffee was held by a filter so as not to drift with the water. Water moves from the top down by gravity. The coffee filter set was previously made of metal or ceramic, consisting of: a lid, a filter and a saucer at the bottom. Ground coffee is put into the filter, nearly boiling water is put into the filter, and the coffee water drips out below the filter.

In this way, people often use medium ground coffee powder. If the coffee is good, the coffee filter is preheated, then the product will be perfect in terms of texture and taste.

Make sure that the coffee powder is not packed too tightly in the filter. That the coffee will not flower uniformly or filter out the flavor if nothing is done. Slowly pour in a small amount of hot water to infuse, and pour just enough water to cover the amount of coffee. Coffee stored for a long time will be damp; If you want it to taste good, re-roast it before cooking.

Here’s also a trick: before pouring, sprinkle a little salt or sugar into the coffee to make the coffee taste better and stronger. Last, but not least, before boiling, be sure to rinse the filter and steam the glass to make sure it tastes better. of coffee in terms of quality and taste.

4. Turkish coffee

This type of coffee is most popular in Turkey, Greece, some Eastern European countries and the Middle East. People use a traditional tool called the “ibrik”. A vessel made of bronze and brass, shaped like an upside down and truncated funnel, with a very long handle. First people boil water in a simmering “ibrrik”, then lift out the ibrik and add very finely ground coffee, sugar and sometimes even some other flavorings such as white nutmeg or cloves.

Then they stir the mixture well and put the ibrik back on the stove to boil again. When the mixture was boiling and the froth was almost overflowing, the ibrik was removed from the stove and continued to stir. When the coffee has cooled slightly, people put it back on the stove and heat it up very low. Just lift it out and lift it in 3 times and you’re done. The result is a thick, black, foamy coffee that cannot be immediately poured into a cup and drinkable, but must wait until the coffee powder has settled to the bottom and then the coffee has cooled. Not stirring the coffee when boiling and keeping the residue are both in the concept of wanting to fully enjoy the simplest and most natural flavor of coffee.

Another very interesting thing in Turkish coffee culture is the form of “divination”: After finishing a delicious cup of coffee, diners can rely on the shape of the settled coffee dregs to predict predict your own future destiny. This interesting belief is still popular today and is popular with tourists.

5. Italian coffee

❖ Espresso machine – Espresso maker

The greatness of an Espresso machine is reflected in the speed of coffee making. Hot water faucet allows us to immediately enjoy a delicious cup of coffee, just like a professional barista. Since the high pressure removes the best coffee from the ground coffee, the owner of an espresso machine does not need to buy the best coffee. Many powerful attributes of the machine, the proper use and handling of the machine, the freshness and proper composition of the coffee beans all depend on this brewing process. If all requirements are met, you can choose delicious cups of Espresso to serve your customers.

The color and shape of the foam on the surface of an espresso can be used to determine its consistency. The color of good coffee is iron or brown, with a slightly dense physical consistency. The surface foam of the coffee is too weak, which means it is not smooth enough or not thick enough. Overextraction is represented by overly brown sheet foam.

While there are different ways to prepare coffee, the most common principles are boiling water, steeping, using an absorption filter, and using pressurized osmosis. At the same time, there is delicious water that is chlorine-free, pure and boils at about 90-95 oC. Finally, coffee machinery must be kept clean at all times.

❖ Moka Express Coffee

Since the 1930s, Italian companies in Pavia, Milan and Turin have developed and perfected steam coffee machines and created different styles of coffee pots. The most successful coffee maker was named “Moka Express”, copyrighted by Alfonso Bialetti in 1933 and still sold today by Bialletti.

It is because it is convenient, cheap and delicious that this method of making coffee is loved by many people. In an Italian home, no matter how poor you are, you will find at least one moka (also known as mocha) coffee pot.

The mocha pot has 3 parts attached to each other. The bottom is a small water tank (boiler), the middle is an aluminum filter and the coffee press, and the top is a place to store the finished product, all 3 parts attached together have high teeth. airtight rubber. People pour the right amount of water with the desired amount of coffee into the “boiler”, then put the coffee powder into the filter (fine or coarse ground coffee depending on preference), then tighten and boil. When the water boils, the steam rises and the coffee powder immediately condenses into boiling water, boiling distilled water, make sure 100°C (or at least 99°C). The newly condensed water dissolves the coffee and the product is further pushed upwards and deposited in the upper container. In less than 1 minute, the brewed coffee is ready to drink.

The mocha pot makes medium body coffee, black in color, strong in taste, very fragrant. If using fine coffee powder, it will be more bitter, darker than coarse ground coffee. Needless to say, it is clear to everyone that the individual Bialetti kettle, which can make 1 to 2 cups of coffee with the price of about 20 USD, is compact and lightweight, can be put in a suitcase on the way to school. , no need for electrical outlets, adapters at all, wherever there is an electric stove, stove and water, we have coffee to drink.

And according to professional Italian baristas, coffee brewed with a mocha pot is only second in taste compared to espresso made with a large machine that can cost over $5,000. If you have time, you can pick and try different fines of coffee powder (just read on the coarse/medium/fine ground paper bag), different coffee varieties (robusta/arabica) and Different roast levels (light, medium, brown dark, or dark) and you’ll find your preference.

That’s all the basic knowledge to help you have a better overview of the coffee culture in the world. However, to make that delicious taste is still thanks to clean, pure coffee beans. What are you waiting for, visit the website and order yourself a package of premium coffee from Mora’Caphe to enjoy our REAL taste!

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